Saturday, January 14, 2017

Gardening Time is Here!

Yes I know its still cold out side and many of you are still cuddled up by the fire, but believe it or not gardening time has started!
Its time to start planting your indoor seed trays.  Cold vegetables are first:
  1. Beets
  2. Lettuce
  3. Cilantro
  4. Kale
  5. Mustard
  6. Swiss Chard
All of these you can go ahead and start planting in your seed starting trays or your pots in the house if you don't have room for out door gardening.  All of these plant do fine in container gardening.  

Soil & Seeds
Make sure to plant your seeds in organic well composted soil or seed starting mix.  This will give them a boost.  Seeds are quite temperamental so make sure you follow the directions on the packet and don't over water nor under water just keep them moist and happy.  A regular light bulb will do the trick for those cloudy days and your seedlings should be sprouting in no time.

Green house
If you need a little extra room we have the perfect poly carbonate green house for your needs

Happy Gardening

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Solar Power As Cheap As Coal

Direct off the press the Renewable energy is running neck and neck with coal.  Its expected that by the year 2025 Solar will be cheaper then any other energy source. 

Around the world Solar is increasingly becoming a better more economical option and will soon be number 1 world wide. According to Huffington Post "Now, it costs only US$100 to generate the same amount of electricity, putting it on par with coal and natural gas."

So lets congratulate the world today for recognizing the power of green energy!
To read the whole article click here.