The phrase Self Sufficient living encompasses a huge array of ideas and concepts one can get lost before getting started, but not to worry you have started already. Taking control of your own life is the concept of self sufficient living. So what do we need most to survive?
- Food
- Water
- Air
- Power
The easy way for food is of course do your own gardening as much as possible and raise some chickens. I highly recommend they have almost everything you can think of to live self sufficient from chicken coops to solar power.
Gardening is easy even if you don't have any "space". Here are the"how to’s” for small space gardening. Depending on where you live and yourself will determine just how far you want to go as to supplying your own meat and milk or just some basic gardening and eggs. Dont know anything about chickens? Start Here
Water is an important issue. For most people that means you need to buy a home that has a well on it or have a well put on the property you own already. For many of us this is already taken care of, but you must also remember that to power the well pump that power is coming from an outside source so you must take care of that by choosing a solar or wind or some alternative power source. For me I put a small solar system (PV System) up to ensure that the well pump is always running. This was not a huge expense and it was not difficult either. Here is how I did it.
Water conservation is your friend as well. Rain barrels are a great way to have water for the garden without the need of any power source what so ever. If you live in a drought area I recommend you get at least three or four of these to ensure you always have some water on hand to water the garden.
Air. This one is vital and probably the hardest one to ensure unless you lived in some kind of bubble. I would recommend having lots of fresh plants around you in and out to combat the air pollution and keep the air clean. You can also invest in an air purifier for inside your house, but indoor plants are the best air purifier.
Power is not something you need to live, but it is something we don't like to live without. I love having my washing machine and my stove and would definitely be lost without it. Alternative power sources are basically limited to wind, solar, or a gas generator. Lots of people have emergency systems for those days the power goes out. These systems are of course smaller and can help you in those times you really need it.
How to choose the right alternative power system for you? This is the key question and there are many factors to consider for this venture. I hands down prefer and use Solar for my home and this is why.
So if you are just starting the self sufficient lifestyle please go through all the fun options above.