Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Be Self Sufficient Where do I start?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Solar Power 101

What are Solar Panels?

Solar Panels are devices that collect sun light and turn it into electricity. They are also referred to as
photovoltaics, which means “LIGHT-ELECTRICITY” The panels are made of individual cells that work together to produce a useful amount of power.

How Does It Work?
The light hits the solar cells. Each cell has a positive and negative charge built in that absorbs the photons from the sunlight and turn it into electricity.

Solar panels come in a variety of different sizes for different applications. You can find on the market today solar panels that fit on the top of the lights for a pathway in the garden. They have sizes all the way up to the Huge panels attached to spacecraft.

Who Invented Solar Panels?
Solar panels were invented in 1941 by Russel Ohl. What came before him to help in his discovery was
Alexandre Edmond Becquere who in 1839 discovered the Photovaltaic Effect. This showed that you can get power from light, but how to harness and use it well was not discovered yet. In 1893 Charles Fritts made the first Solar cell. These remarkable discovery's and inventions paved the way for Russel Ohl to create the Solar Panel.

Solar For Your Home
There are several sizes to choose from for your home solar system as well. These panels are usually sized according to the wattage. 200 watt,300 watt, and 260 watt are common sizes you might find available. Which one is right for you and your home are determined by many factors such as the available space for installing solar panels.

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?
The Life span of a solar panel generally is about 20-25 years.

Whats The Benefit Of Having Solar Power?
Solar Power is clean renewable energy with no strain on the environment. It has zero pollution. It can also be applied in almost every setting. Solar is very useful for places that are hard to get regular power to such as remote cabins, islands, mountain areas, etc. There is no contamination or strain put on the environment with solar power. Once you have paid off the up front cost the power generated if free!

Where can I get a system that's right for me?
Browse our shophere and contact us today. We would be happy to help you.